
6 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Cause and Effect Essay Örneği ve Yazılışı

  Essay yazarken konu olarak sık sık başvurulan içeriklerden biride sağlıkla ilgili konulardır.Üniversitelerdeki ingilizce derslerinin vize ve final sınavlarında da bu tür konularla oldukça sık karşılaşıyoruz.Ayrıca proficiency,hazırlık atlama ve İngilizce muafiyet sınavlarında da bu konular hakkında sizden  essay beklenebilir.

Cause and Effect Essay Örneği;
  How many times have you heard about the consequences of alcoholism? Have you taken them into account? Alcoholism is one of the major problems in society. The effects of this disease are really serious. Many people get used to drink alcohol , and they can easily abuse; that is the problem. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the physical, psychological, and economic effects of alcoholism.
  The first effects of alcoholism are physical. These are the most important because these can cause your death. For example, alcoholism causes cancer in the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Besides, alcohol alters the digestion of nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Alcoholism also causes severe damage in the neurons, so it causes alterations in the body movements, loss of appetite, and depression. There are other effects in the body like gastritis and cirrhosis of the liver. All these physical consequences could cause your death if you drink alcohol in mass quantities.
  The second effects caused by alcoholism are psychological. At the beginning, alcohol makes you feel relaxed, but if you drink it in excess, it increases anxiety and causes depression. It also causes family and legal problems, violence, changes of behavior, suicide, among others. Alcohol is very powerful and alters all your normal behaviors.
  The third effects of alcoholism are economic. According to the National Institute and Drug Abuse, drug abuse and dependence cost an estimated $98 billion. Alcohol is not cheap. If you drink two or three times in a week, it could cost you about $1000 pesos or more a week! People do not think about the money and spend almost everything when they are drunk.

  In conclusion, the effects of alcoholism which are physical, psychological, and economic can cause many problems that affect your life in all aspects. Alcohol alters your brain, muscles, digestion process, and other disorders that affect your health. It also can cause you depression or changes in your behavior that result in problems with your family, friends, and with yourself. Besides, it will leave you in poverty because it cost a lot. Finally, I invite you to think about it and ask you why drink it?

Hazırlık atlama (Proficiency) Sınavılarında Sorulan Essay Konuları

Prociency sınavlarında sorulan essay konuları genellikle hayatın içinden konular olur ve genellikle konuya ilişkin birazda olsa fikir sahibi olursunuz Ancak konuya tamamen hakim olmak elbette essay yazmanızı kolaylaştırır.Daha önceki yıllarda proficiency yani hazırlık atlamasınavlarında sorulan örnek essay topiclerini yani örnek essay konularını sizinle paylaşalım.Tabikide bu listeki sorular kesin olarak sorulacak diye bir şey söz konusu değil ancak yine de size profiency sınavında yazılması istenen essay konularına ilişkin bilgi verebilir.

  • 12-year primary education should be compulsory
  • Alcoholic beverages should be banned
  • All kinds of weapons should be destroyed in the world
  • Alternative medicine
  • American films will continue to attract a larger audience than Turkish films
  • Banning the sale of tobacco products
  • Being a student / an employee
  • Being an extrovert / introvert
  • Being forever young is wonderful
  • Being single
  • Being young vs being old
  • Blind dates
  • Can computers replace teachers?
  • Committing crimes
  • Compulsory military service
  • Computers are a mixed blessing
  • Conventional and nuclear weapons
  • Culture shock
  • Dangerous sports
  • Death penalty
  • Developments in science & technology
  • Diet is most important for health
  • Discipline in the family
  • Divorce and children
  • Enjoy the moment, don’t think about tomorrow
  • Euthanasia should be legalized
  • Every job has its difficulties
  • Everybody has a tendency to break the law
  • Expensive mobile phones are an unnecessary luxury
  • Failure / Success
  • Fashion is everything
  • Female and male teachers
  • Finding the right partner to marry is very difficult
  • Football / basketball
  • Footballers earn too much money
  • Formal examinations at universities should be banned
  • Friends have more influence on young people than families
  • Full-time / Part-time jobs
  • Getting married at an early age
  • Having a part-time job
  • Having a university degree is a must nowadays
  • Human strengths and weaknesses
  • Improving the quality of education at universities
  • Internet and learning
  • İstanbul hosting the 2012 Olympic Games
  • It is necessary for children to attend kindergarten
  • It’s wrong to keep animals in captivity
  • Keeping fit
  • Language skills, speaking and writing
  • Learning a language in Turkey or abroad
  • Life now and life in the next century
  • Lifestyles are improving in Turkey
  • Living in a foreign country
  • Living in an apartment and a house with a garden
  • Living in the country/living in a city
  • Living until 140
  • Living with your family / living away from your family
  • Making new friends is more difficult than it seems
  • Money is everything
  • Nobody needs any further high-tech development
  • Nuclear disasters
  • One cannot be successful in life without goals
  • Owning a car in a large city
  • Parents attitudes towards their sons and daughters are different
  • People waste too much of their time talking about unimportant subjects
  • Physical appearance and its effect on people
  • Plastic surgery
  • Pollution
  • Popularity
  • Population explosion
  • Population growth
  • Preventing crimes
  • Private vs state universities
  • Problems between parents and their children
  • Racial discrimination
  • Reading books and watching movies
  • Should parents allow their children to have education in a different country/ city?
  • Should parents allow their children to stay out very late?
  • Should talk shows be banned?
  • Should young people start working when they are still at school / university?
  • Smoking should be banned in public places
  • Some people like adventures while others dislike them
  • Space Travel
  • Stress
  • Summer and winter holidays
  • Superstitions
  • Television
  • The role of the media
  • The world would be a better place if people listened more than they talked
  • There must be stricter driving regulations in Turkey
  • Tolerance is an important virtue
  • Traditions and their effects on people
  • Traffic accidents
  • Transportation in big cities
  • Travelling all over the world
  • Travelling by bicycle is advantageous
  • Turkish and American films
  • Turkish men and women
  • Unemployment
  • University & high school life
  • Use of technology at home
  • Violence on TV
  • Wars
  • We are all egoists
  • Women and careers
  • Women are more difficult to understand than men
  • Women should join the army
  • Working for the private sector is better than the state sector
  • Working hard is not the only key to success
  • Working in the private sector
  • Working mothers
  • Young people care too much about their appearance
  • Your friends say a lot about who you are

Essay Nasıl Yazılır?

Introduction paragraph
 Inroduction yani giriş paragrafta, thesis statement yani essay ufak bir taslağı yer alır.Introduction paragrafta kısaca yazının ne hakkında olduğundan bahsedilir ve bu şekilde yazar okuyucunun dikkatini elde eder.Bu paragrafın son cümlesi,essayin body bölümünün ilk paragrafına geçiş yapılabilecek şekilde yazılmalıdır.
Body - First paragraph
 Essay'de daha öncede dediğimiz gibi 3 body paragraf vardı.Bu bodylerde kendi içinde bölümden oluşur.Body'nin ilk paragrafı güçlü argümanlar,kayda değer örnekler ve benzetmeler içermeli.İlk cümle Introduction paragrafın son cümlesiyle ilişkili olarak bağlanarak yazılmalı.İlk body paragrafında yazılacak konuya bir yada ikinci cümlede yer verilebilir.Bu konu introduction paragraftaki thesis statementla alakalı olmalı.Bu paragrafında son cümlesi de body ikinci paragrafın ilk cümlesine bağlanacak şekilde olmalı.

Body - Second paragraph
 Bu paragrafta ilk body paragrafla aynı şekilde güçlü argümanlar,kayda değer örnekler benzetmeler içermeli ve ilerleyiş şekli aynı olmalı.First paragrafın son cümlesi ile bağlanan konu geliştirilir,örneklendirilir ve bu paragrafın son cümlesi de üçüncü paragrafın ilk cümlesine geçiş yapılarak bağlanmalı.
Body - Third paragraph
 Üçüncü body paragrafımız diğerlerinin aksine zayıf argümanlar ve örnekler,benzetmeler içerir.Second paragrafın son cümlesi ile bu paragrafın ilk cümlesine geçiş yapılarak konuya girilir.Diğer paragraflarda olduğu gibi bu paragraftada konuya ilk yada ikinci cümlede yer verilmeli.Bu paragrafın son cümlesinde, bu bölümün essaydeki ana noktaların yer aldığı son kısım olduğu belirtilip,concluding paragrafa geçiş yapılır.
Concluding paragraph
 Essayin beşinci ve son paragrafı olan bu bölüme essayin genel bir özeti yapılır.Bu paragrafta thesis statement ve body paragraflarda yer alan üç fikir tekrar ve güçlü bir şekilde ifade edilir.Çünkü bu paragraf yazarın okuyucuyu sunulan konuya ikna edebilmesi için kullanabileceği son şans.

Bu paragrafta sırasıyla şunlar yapılır:
Thesis statement tekrar yazılır.Ancak ilk başta introduction paragrafta yer alan thesis statement cümlesinden gramer,kelime olarak farklı bir şekilde yazılmalıdır.
Body paragraflarda yer verilen üç ana fikrin bir kaç cümle ile özeti yapılır
Son bölümde okuyucuya essayin sonuna gelindiğinin sinyali verilir.
5 paragraflı essayler hiçbir sınırlama olmadan herhangi bir konu hakkında yazılabilir.Mesala bu konulara örnek:
The Best City in The World
My Grandfather
What is the Green House Effect
Teaching Techniques
gibi her konuda yazılabilir.